On October 29, it will be two full years since we left "home" and started on our "adventure of a lifetime".
It feels funny typing this somehow, because "home" has been entirely redesigned for us and "adventure of a lifetime" has also become our new normal. It's an amazing thing to have these experiences, and I know they seem wild and crazy to some, but for us, now, it is just our way. We already have three or four different ideas brewing for our next "adventure of a lifetime" - and obviously, how to pull them off.
As big a jump as it is to leave everything you know and step off into a "trip of a lifetime", I don't think it should be "THE trip of your lifetime". It's just one of many trips.

In these past two years, we've seen more places and done more things than I could have ever dreamed up in any of my crazy post-chocolate-for-dinner dreams. When people ask "what was your favourite part of your trip?", I literally scroll through a year of incredible memories and try to pick one distinct place that stands out above them all... it's not an easy task. As I reminisce about any of our adventures, I can fall in love with so many parts of our journey, all over again. It's hardly fair to pick a favourite!
I was asked recently by Sunday Afternoon Hats Canada what my favourite place was, and in the spirit of keeping a questionnaire brief, I said "Scotland". I had the most heart-feels there, for some reason, the most warm-fuzzies (though, it was not so warm there, but there was lots of fuzzy things around!). It will always hold a special place in my heart, as the land of my ancestors, even though both sides of my family are pretty thoroughly Canadian by now that tracing back the history is getting harder and harder.
I dare anyone to visit Scotland and not fall in love - with the scenery, the people, the highland cows :)

Even though our year of travel went so much differently than we ever planned, it was perfect in its messiness. We learned so much, packing up our life and stepping out the door into the unknown. It was the craziest thing we've ever done, and there were moments that I would rather forget - but they are outweighed by unforgettable friends and adventures that make it all worth it.
Now we're settled into our new adventure, renovating a small house, top to bottom. We constantly have the ocean in view, our little dreams bubbling and growing as we stare off into the water and wonder where our next "trip of a lifetime" will take us.
For now, enjoy my favourite photos from my "favourite" country, Scotland.